In one of Clean Coders' open source Clojure libraries, there lives a namespace that has become one of the most useful tools in our toolbox. schema! More specifically c3kit.apron.schema which is part of our C3kit Apron library


schema was born around 2014 in a codebase for Airworthy (long story, don't ask). Years later it was pulled into our codebase, and shortly after extracted into C3kit Apron. Over the years it has evolved and recently hit a landmark. schema has reached a level of maturity such that I'd recommend using it. Or in other words, we'd support other people's use of the library.

Before diving in I'll warn you that schema might sound a lot like spec.alpha and there is similarity. Understand spec.alpha did not exist when schema was born. And there is significant difference.


The schema library aims to solve the following problems:


Consider this map that represents a point.

{:kind :point
 :x    1
 :y    2}

The data structure includes a :kind to tell us what the data represents. Isn't that nice? And it contains the necessary data, :x and :y, to represent a point.

We can define the shape of this data structure, its schema, like so:

(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type :int}
            :y    {:type :int}})

Yes, it's just data; a map where each key is mapped to a spec (specification). This is the schema schema; the shape of data used to define the shape of other data. (The terminology in this document is circular and self-referencing. Bare with me.)

Let's start using this schema.


Assume we were given the data below, with the assertion that the data represents a point.

(def data {:kind :point
           :x    "1"
           :y    "2"})

Notice that the :x and :y values are strings. That's not right. They're supposed to be integers. No worries. Using our point schema, we can coerce the data in the shape we want.

(require '[c3kit.apron.schema :as schema])
(schema/coerce point data)
=> {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}         

Now, imagine we were given this strange point data.

(def data {:kind :point
           :x    ["1"]
           :y    ["2"]})

When we try to coerce this, we get the following.

(schema/coerce point data)
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.CoerceError{:message "can't coerce [\"1\"] to int"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.CoerceError{:message "can't coerce [\"2\"] to int"}}

Notice how the :x and :y keys map to CoerceError objects containing friendly messages. We'll use those later.

With some enhancements to our point schema, we can handle this type of point data.

(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type :int :coerce (fn [v] (schema/->int (first v)))}
            :y    {:type :int :coerce first}})
(schema/coerce point data)
=> {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}

For :x we add :coerce to the spec mapping to a coerce function, and we are very explicit about how to handle the data. But for :y we take a shortcut. The value for :coerce must be a coerce function or a list of coerce functions. Each coerce function must take the value as a parameter, and return the coerced value. So by using the function first for :y we end up with the string "2"... yet our result has the integer 2. The final step of the coerce operation is type-coercion, using the :type of the spec. schema knows how to convert a string to an int, so it takes care of that for you.


Given these bits of data:

(def data1 {:kind :point
            :x    1
            :y    2})
(def data2 {:kind :point
            :x    "1"
            :y    "2"})

Let's use schema to validate them.

(schema/validate point data1)
=> {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}

(schema/validate point data2)
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "is invalid"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "is invalid"}}

data1 looks good but data2 has problems. :x and :y are strings, not ints! schema is performing type-validation on the values based on the :type of the spec.

Again you can see the problematic fields are mapped to errors, ValidationError objects this time. However, the error message "is invalid" is not terribly useful. Let's improve that.

(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type :int :message "must be an int"}
            :y    {:type :int :message "must be an int"}})
(schema/validate point data2)
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be an int"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be an int"}}

We added a :message string to the spec. Now the :message value is being used for coerce and validate error messages.

Let's be more restrictive about our points. For the fun of it, :x must be even and :y must be odd.

(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type     :int
                   :message  "must be an even int"
                   :validate even?}
            :y    {:type     :int
                   :message  "must be an odd int"
                   :validate odd?}})
(schema/validate point {:kind :point :x "2" :y "1"})
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be an even int"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be an odd int"}}   
(schema/validate point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2})
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be an even int"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be an odd int"}}

We added new validations using the :validate entry in the spec that maps to a validate function. :validate can also map to a list of validate functions that will be performed in order. Each validate function must take the value as a parameter and return a truthy value if the input is valid, and falsy otherwise.

Another thing this example demonstrates is that there are two validations being performed on both :x and :y; the even?/odd? validations specified by the :validate entry in the spec, and the automatic type-validation. The type-validation is the first step in the validate operation, whereas type-coercion is that last step of the coerce operation. This is demonstrated in the example below.

Also, let's make sure we get a descriptive error messages for each validation.

(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type        :int
                   :message     "must be an int"
                   :validations [{:validate even? :message "must be even"}
                                 {:validate #(<= 0 % 100) :message "out of range"}]}
            :y    {:type        :int
                   :message     "must be an int"
                   :validations [{:validate odd? :message "must be odd"}
                                 {:validate #(<= 0 % 100) :message "out of range"}]}})

(schema/validate point {:kind :point :x "101" :y "102"})
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be an int"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be an int"}}

(schema/validate point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2})
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be even"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be odd"}}

(schema/validate point {:kind :point :x 102 :y 101})
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "out of range"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "out of range"}}

The :validations entry in the spec allows us to have any number of validations, each with their own message. Each validation is a map that must have :validate that maps to a validate function, and an optional :message. If :message is not provided in the validation map, schema will use the :message value in the spec if it exists, or "is invalid".

{:kind :point :x "101" :y "102"} is invalid in all the ways we check. But the message we get is "must be an int" which is our root :message. This demonstrates that the type-validation has to pass first before any other validations take place.


Often, we need to coerce data and then validate the coerced data. schema offers a conform operation to take care of this for you.

(schema/conform point {:kind :point :x "2" :y "1"})
=> {:kind :point, :x 2, :y 1}

(schema/conform point {:kind :point :x "blah" :y "2"})
{:kind :point,
 :x #c3kit.apron.schema.CoerceError{:message "must be an int"},
 :y #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must be odd"}}

That first point is perfect and the result of conform is a map shaped just how we like it. The second point has a couple problems and the result of conform identifies them nicely. :x cannot be coerced and :y is invalid.


schema provides a present operation to make our data presentable to a user, or an API, or whatever.

(schema/present point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2})
=> {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}

Yeah, that looks the same. We need to tell schema how to make the data presentable.

(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type :int :present #(str "X=" %)}
            :y    {:type :int :present #(str "Y=" %)}})
(schema/present point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2})
=> {:kind :point, :x "X=1", :y "Y=2"}

The :present entry of the spec must map to a present function that takes the value as a parameter and returns a presentable value. Unlike :coerce and :validate, :present may NOT map to a list of present functions.

Entity Level Specs

We have a new requirement for our geometry data. A point may not be close to the origin (0, 0). If a point has a distance from the origin of less than 5, it is invalid. So far, we've only been able to validate a single field. We need both :x and :y to calculate distance, and entity level specs give that ability.

(defn square [n] (* n n))
(defn distance [point] (Math/sqrt (+ (square (:x point)) (square (:y point)))))
(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type :int}
            :y    {:type :int}
            :*    {:distance {:coerce distance
                              :validate #(>= (distance %) 5) 
                              :message "too close to origin"}}})

(schema/coerce point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2})
=> {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2, :distance 2.23606797749979}

(schema/validate point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2})
=> {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2, :distance #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "too close to origin"}}

(schema/coerce point {:kind :point :x 4 :y 4})
=> {:kind :point, :x 4, :y 4, :distance 5.656854249492381}

(schema/validate point {:kind :point :x 4 :y 4})
=> {:kind :point, :x 4, :y 4}

:* is a special key in schema that maps to entity level specs. The entity level specs can have all the same entries as normal field specs with one important difference: All the coerce functions, validate functions, and present functions take the whole entity as a parameter. This allows them to access any or all of the fields in the entity to perform the desired operation.

Also notice that we added a new field, :distance, in the entity level specs. That works. Entity level specs may also be applied to existing fields.

Nested Structures


What would a line data structure look like? A line consists of two points; a start and an end.

(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type :int}
            :y    {:type :int}})

(def line {:kind  {:type :keyword}
           :start {:type :map :schema point}
           :end   {:type :map :schema point}})

(schema/conform line {:kind :line
                      :start {:kind :point :x "1" :y "2"}
                      :end {:kind :point :x 3.45 :y 6.78}})
=> {:kind :line, :start {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}, :end {:kind :point, :x 3, :y 6}}

Take a close look at the :start and :end of line. The :type is set to :map. schema will happily dive into nested data structures, however it needs to know what to expect. So included in the spec is the :schema. For a line, we want both :start and :end to be points.


Now consider a polygon that may consist of many points.

(def polygon {:kind   {:type :keyword}
              :points {:type        :seq
                       :spec        {:type :map :schema point}
                       :validations [{:validate #(>= (count %) 4) :message "must have at least 4 points"}
                                     {:validate #(= (first %) (last %)) :message "not closed"}]}})

(schema/conform polygon {:kind :polygon})
=> {:kind :polygon, :points #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "must have at least 4 points"}}

(schema/conform polygon {:kind  :polygon
                         :points [{:kind :point :x "1" :y "2"}
                                  {:kind :point :x 3.45 :y 6.78}
                                  {:kind :point :x 6 :y 4}
                                  {:kind :point :x 99 :y 99}]})
=> {:kind :polygon, :points #c3kit.apron.schema.ValidateError{:message "not closed"}}

(schema/conform polygon {:kind  :polygon
                         :points [{:kind :point :x "1" :y "2"}
                                  {:kind :point :x 3.45 :y 6.78}
                                  {:kind :point :x 6 :y 4}
                                  {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2}]})
{:kind :polygon,
 :points [{:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2} {:kind :point, :x 3, :y 6} {:kind :point, :x 6, :y 4} {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}]}

polygon has a :points field that is rather sophisticated. We can see that the :type is :seq. This tells schema that the :points value should be a sequential value (list, vector, set, ...), but schema needs to know what each value in the sequence should look like. Therefore we also include the :spec in the spec. In the case of the polygon, each value in :points should be a point.

schema will expect seqs to hold a single type of value. Said in another way, all the values in a seq must conform to the same spec. If you need to process data where lists store values of different types, you can either use :type :map and specify a :schema where the keys are indexes of the list, or use :type :ignore and manually handle the operations.

One Of

We've got all these cool geometry data structures. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a geometry data structure that could hold on to one of the other geometry data structures? Let's update our schemas to handle this.

(def point {:kind (schema/kind :point)
            :x    {:type :int}
            :y    {:type :int}})

(def line {:kind  (schema/kind :line)
           :start {:type :map :schema point}
           :end   {:type :map :schema point}})

(def circle {:kind   (schema/kind :circle)
             :center {:type :map :schema point}
             :radius {:type :int}})

(def geometry {:kind     (schema/kind :geometry)
               :geometry {:type :one-of :specs [{:type :map :schema point}
                                                {:type :map :schema line}
                                                {:type :map :schema circle}]}})

First, we set the :kind of each schema using schema/kind. This helper function returns a spec that conforms and validates the value such that it must be the specified keyword. Here's the implementation:

(defn kind [key]
  {:type     :keyword
   :value    key
   :validate [#(or (nil? %) (= key %))]
   :coerce   [#(or % key)]
   :message  (str "mismatch; must be " key)})

Second, we added a circle schema.

And lastly, we have geometry. The :type of its :geometry field is :one-of. This allows the value to take on any "one of" the geometries specified by the :specs list. schema will run the operation (conform in the case below) on the value against each spec in the :specs list until one succeeds. If none of the operations succeed, the result will be an error.

(schema/conform geometry {:kind :geometry :geometry {:kind :point :x "1" :y "2"}})
=> {:kind :geometry, :geometry {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}}

(schema/conform geometry {:kind :geometry :geometry {:kind  :line
                                                     :start {:kind :point :x "1" :y "2"}
                                                     :end   {:kind :point :x 3.45 :y 6.78}}})
=> {:kind :geometry, :geometry {:kind :line, :start {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}, :end {:kind :point, :x 3, :y 6}}}

(schema/conform geometry {:kind :geometry :geometry {:kind   :circle
                                                     :center {:kind :point :x "1" :y "2"}
                                                     :radius 42}})
=> {:kind :geometry, :geometry {:kind :circle, :center {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}, :radius 42}}

(schema/conform geometry {:kind :geometry :geometry {:kind :squiggle}})
=> {:kind :geometry, :geometry #c3kit.apron.schema.ConformError{:message "one-of: no matching spec"}}

Dealing With Errors

We've seen that when errors occur during schema operations, they appear as the value the offending field in the result. schema/error? makes it easy to tell if a result has an error.

(schema/error? (schema/validate point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2}))
=> false
(schema/error? (schema/validate point {:kind :point :x "blah" :y 2}))
=> true

Sometimes you want a list of all the errors.

(schema/message-seq (schema/validate point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2}))
=> nil

(schema/message-seq (schema/validate point {:kind :point :x "blah" :y 2}))
=> ["x is invalid"]

(schema/message-seq (schema/conform line {:kind  :line
                                          :start {:kind :point :x "blah" :y "2"}
                                          :end   {:kind :point :x 3.45 :y "blah"}}))
=> ["start.x can't coerce \"blah\" to int" "end.y can't coerce \"blah\" to int"]

Notice how the keys from nested errors are joined with a ., as in start.x.

More often you want a map of the errors.

(schema/message-map (schema/validate point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2}))
=> nil

(schema/message-map (schema/validate point {:kind :point :x "blah" :y 2}))
=> {:x "is invalid"}

(schema/message-map (schema/conform line {:kind  :line
                                          :start {:kind :point :x "blah" :y "2"}
                                          :end   {:kind :point :x 3.45 :y "blah"}}))
=> {:start {:x "can't coerce \"blah\" to int"}, :end {:y "can't coerce \"blah\" to int"}}

Notice that errors from nested data maintain the nested structure.

schema/message-map is so frequently used that shortcuts exist for all the operations.

(schema/coerce-message-map point {:kind :point :x "blah" :y 2})
=> {:x "can't coerce \"blah\" to int"}

(schema/validate-message-map point {:kind :point :x "blah" :y 2})
=> {:x "is invalid"}

(schema/conform-message-map point {:kind :point :x "blah" :y 2})
=> {:x "can't coerce \"blah\" to int"}

Good to Know

We've covered all the major facets of the schema library. There's just a few things you should know before we part ways.

Unspecified Fields are Lost

Any extra data you have in your maps, that is not specified in the schema, will be tossed out by the schema operations.

(schema/coerce point {:kind :point :x 1 :y 2 :my-extra-data "goes bye bye"})
=> {:kind :point, :x 1, :y 2}

Merging Schema

There are myriad ways to validating or coerce data. For example, validating form data on the client demands different validations than on the backend where we may need to check for uniqueness in the database. It'd be a shame to duplicate the schemas. schema/merge-schemas allows you to easily patch or modify existing schemas.

(def point {:kind {:type :keyword}
            :x    {:type :int}
            :y    {:type :int}})

(schema/merge-schemas point {:x {:validate even? :message "must be even"}
                             :y {:validate odd? :message "must be odd"}})
{:kind {:type :keyword},
 :x {:type :int,
     :message "must be even",
     :validations [{:validate #object[clojure.core$even_QMARK_ 0x53a9d520 "clojure.core$even_QMARK_@53a9d520"],
                    :message "must be even"}]},
 :y {:type :int,
     :message "must be odd",
     :validations [{:validate #object[clojure.core$odd_QMARK_ 0xe551581 "clojure.core$odd_QMARK_@e551581"],
                    :message "must be odd"}]}}

Self Referencing Schema

Schemas are data. The shape of the schema data is important. So schema provides a schema to conform your schemas.

(schema/conform-schema! point)
=> {:kind {:type :keyword}, :x {:type :int}, :y {:type :int}}
(schema/conform-schema! {:foo {:type :blah}})
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at c3kit.apron.schema/conform! (schema.cljc:786).
Unconformable entity

One caveat here is that schema can only validate one level deep. This is because the schema schema is theoretically infinitely recursive, but in reality it's impossible to make an infinitely nested data structure.


There are several "shorthands" that abbreviate spec definitions, but they are technically invalid according to the spec schema. schema/normalize-spec can be used to expand a single spec and schema/normalize-schema will expand all shorthands in the schema. schema/conform-schema! will also normalize shorthands.

(schema/normalize-spec {:type [:int] :validate even?})
{:type :seq,
 :spec {:validate #object[clojure.core$even_QMARK_ 0x53a9d520 "clojure.core$even_QMARK_@53a9d520"], :type :int}}

(schema/normalize-spec {:type [{:type :int}] :validate seq})
{:type :seq, :validate #object[clojure.core$seq__5467 0x24f5684c "clojure.core$seq__5467@24f5684c"], :spec {:type :int}}

(schema/normalize-spec {:type {:foo {:type :string}}})
=> {:type :map, :schema {:foo {:type :string}}}

(schema/normalize-spec {:type #{:string :int}})
=> {:type :one-of, :specs [{:type :int} {:type :string}]}

Using these shorthands we could define line and polygon like so:

(def line {:kind  {:type :keyword}
           :start {:type point}
           :end   {:type point}})

(def polygon {:kind   {:type :keyword}
              :points {:type [point]}})

This is smaller. But, as mentioned, it is not valid schema data, and its intent is less clear. schema will accept these shorthands and expand them on the fly.


Here is a list of all the possible :type values.

:any        ;; no type-coercion or type-validation 
:bigdec     ;; BigDecimal in clj, number in cljs
:date       ;; only use with sql database, java.sql.Date in clj, js/Date in cljs 
:double     ;; number in cljs
:float      ;; number in cljs
:fn         ;; implements iFn
:ignore     ;; same as :any
:instant    ;; java.util.Date in clj, js/Date in cljs
:kw-ref     ;; same as :keyword, meant to represent a Datomic ident
:one-of     ;; must also specify :specs
:map        ;; must also specify :schema
:ref        ;; same as :int, meant to store a datomic reference
:seq        ;; must also specify :spec
:timestamp  ;; only use with sql database, java.sql.Timestamp in clj, js/Date in cljs
:uri        ;; in clj, string in cljs
:uuid       ;; java.util.UUID in clj, cljs.core/UUID in cljs

Integration with Bucket

One of the original uses of schema was to move data in and out of databases. You can see this legacy in several of the :types like :date, :timestamp, :kw-ref, and :ref.

c3kit.bucket is a library that provides a simple abstract interface that works with a variety of databases including Datomic, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, H2 or any other JDBC database. It also includes an in-memory database implementation that makes unit tests screaming fast. Of course, bucket uses schema to make sure the data is in the right shape.
