In this episode we are going to dive deeper, deeper, and deeper into the way agile teams plan projects and iterations.
You'll see, in action, the project kickoff meeting.
You'll watch as Priscilla, the product owner, reviews the user stories for the team.
You'll be amazed at the skill and insight of Marty, the project manager, as he deftly guides the agenda.
You'll hear Paula, the quality engineer, ensuring that stories are independent, negotiable, valuable, estimable, and small.
You'll be amazed as Ruby, Danny, and Jerry take the stories apart, estimate them, and negotiate schedule.
You'll see it all. You'll see Iteration Zero. You'll see the estimation meeting, the backlog grooming meeting, and the iteration planning meeting. You'll see design, architecture, pairing, and a standup. There's just no end to what you will see in this episode.
We'll talk about velocity, and how to recognize and diagnose pathologies. We'll talk about scope management, story points, iteration length, and...well, we'll talk about a lot.
So, get ready for this one. Get ready for all the nitty gritty details of The Planning Game, Part 2.