This episode starts with the form of individual lines of code and ends up describing the form of the partitions at the highest levels of a system. That's a huge range, and it all begins with comments.

Comments are lies.

OK, that's a pretty controversial statement, but in this episode, Uncle Bob attacks much of the old conventional wisdom about comments, formatting, coding standards, white space, indenting, switch statements, classes, data structures, databases, views, and even system design and the separation of applications.

How many comments should you write? When should you write them? Should you enforce comments with tools like Checkstyle? You can bet that Uncle Bob has a lot to say on these topics.

How big should a source file be? How long should a line of code be? How should you use whitespace within your source code? How should you indent? Should you have a coding standard? Uncle Bob's answers to these questions will surprise you.

What is the difference between a class and a data structure? What things do they protect you from, and what risks do they expose you to? How can you use data structures and classes to cover those risks and create solid designs?

Did you know that databases don't contain business objects? What do they contain, then? How should you design the boundary between your application and the database? For that matter, how should you design the boundary between your application and the views? Indeed, what about boundaries in general?

From the form of individual lines of code to the form of the boundaries that criss-cross the system, this episode will load your brain with a lot of new ideas to think about.